I checked out the Mothercare spring summer launch a few weeks ago to see whats in store for the smallies for the coming season. 
They, as usual, knocked it out of the park with their gorgeous clothes and I can’t say that I wasn’t cooing over the beautiful tiny baby things but there’ll be no more of them for me until I become Nana Pam!
I’ve been shopping in Mothercare since Harrison came along 6 years ago and I think the quality of the clothes is fab. Gracie wears Harrisons old vests which are now about 5 years old but are still white and never lost their shape. I remember when I was a kid and Mothercare had yet to come to Ireland but my Mam and Dad went to London for a weekend every year and always came back with gorgeous clothes for us having made a bee line to the nearest store they could find. I genuinely think the quality of their clothes is superb and everything else too.
One thing they pride themselves on and rightly so is their friendly and helpful staff. The two stores I have visited the most over the years were the Stephens Green and Swords Pavilions branches. They honestly made me feel like they had all the time in the world to talk me through the world of car seats and answered all my questions (and there were many!) about all of it.
One thing Mothercare are big on is safety and last month saw them launch their car safety campaign. The campaign may officially be over but safety for children is always a priority. I’ll bring you all the details of this important campaign next week.